60: The One About Hearing Loss with Lindsay Cockburn

Listen to the podcast here.


Today I’m speaking with pediatricaudiologist, Lindsay Cockburn, who works withfamilies from all over the world at the famous John Tracy Center in LosAngeles, California. Lindsay’s blog, Listen With Lindsay, aims to connect withparents of children with hearing loss and professionals and create an online communityto support and encourage one another. She shares information in arelatable way that feels like it is from a friend or a peer. Lindsay is my veryfirst audiologist guest on the show!

In ourchat today, we learn about Lindsay’s background, and she shares some fabuloustips for how audiologists and SLPs can collaborate for better progress and betteroutcomes for their patients. Lindsay also shares tips for involving parents (whoshould be the child’s main therapist) in treatment and how SLPs can know whento refer a child for a hearing test.

Lindsayalso makes a good case for using a microphone for your hard-of-hearing patientsand gives suggestions for how to help your clients obtain these expensive devices.This episode is full of great ideas and helpful insights. Don’t miss it!


  1. What are you tips for successful collaborationbetween audiologists and SLPs?
  2. Please share how and when a child should bereferred for a hearing test.
  3. How does hearing loss affect speech?
  4. What are 3 things SLPs need to keep in mindwhen it comes to hearing loss and treating DHH kids?

Game: Real Housewives Quiz?

You’ll have to tune into the episode to findout her answers!


Connect with Lindsay on Instagram, Facebook, her Facebook Group,and Twitter

Hearing First

John Tracy Center

Success for Kidswith Hearing Loss

Listen with Lindsay


61: The One About Moving Beyond Requesting with AAC Users


59: The One About Using AAC in the Classroom with Lauren Enders