61: The One About Moving Beyond Requesting with AAC Users

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This week’sepisode is a panel discussion form the AAC rock stars – Kacy, Joey, Kristen,Anne, and yours truly --  where we talkabout helping our students get beyond just requesting.

Tips from Kacy:

Kacy uses free AAC apps on her iPad. She loves to incorporate puppets and teaches clients how to find their voice and be bossy. She also targets W-H questions with literary activities. Incorporating reading helps students become better AAC users. Teach clients/patients to protest by using "sabotage," that is, by purposefully doing or suggesting an activity you know they don't like to help them find their protesting voice. Incorporate pronouns in your therapy. Model questions like: "Is it my turn, or is it Ms. Casey'sturn?"

Tips from Joey:

Encourage families to cook with their kids because you can get many language functions in that one activity. In therapy sessions, she incorporates using recipes for lotion, etc. and is able to practice nearly every language function -- protesting, rejection, questions, stating opinions, sensorydescriptions, etc.

Tips from Kristen:

Recommends an app called Pogg. It's great for teaching kids to give directions. Recommends AAC Language Lab. She recommends using video modeling to motivate and introduce new language functions.

Tips from Venita:

Check out the article linked below. Use Realized Language Integration to find what words you should be modeling and what language functions to target. Respond to mis-hits. Remember that even "mistakes" are communication opportunities. Use the RAAP strategy -- Read, Ask, Answer, Prompt. Check that the child's AAC system has enough vocabulary. Open the vocabulary and let youstudents "babble" on their device.

Tips from Anne:

Encourage social interaction and etiquette with games. Make mistakes and let your students correct you. Use wind-up toys and get the kids to command it to stop and go.

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MotivatingAutistic Children through Stimulus Variation


Beach_Therapy_SLP -- Kacyon Instragram

JoeyMurphSLP -- Joey onInstagram

TheDailyDoseOfSpeech --Kristen on Instagram

BeautifulSpeechLife --Anne on Instagram


62: How To Be an Effective SLP in Today's Digital World


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