142: SLP Live: An Overview of Gestalt Language Processing and Natural Language Acquisition



In this podcourse, I am joined by Alexandria Zachos who is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist in the state of Illinois and has been practicing since 2003.  Over the past eighteen years, she has provided therapy for all ages in a variety of clinical settings, including public schools, home therapy, acute care and rehabilitation hospitals and outpatient clinics.

Alexandria is an international speaker and often presents on gestalt language processing, echolalia and NLA both virtually and in person.  She has provided trainings, webinars and has spoken to clinics, school districts, speech-language associations and parent groups. She created Meaningfulspeech.com in 2020 to educate SLPs, professionals and parents on gestalt language processing, echolalia, and the step by step approach to helping a child move to original language using the Natural Language Acquisition framework developed by Marge Blanc.

In this episode we discussed gestalt language processing and how to identify a gestalt learner. We discussed the need to identify a gestalt language learner when assessing progress and explored what treatment would look like in relation to natural language acquisition.

This episode is part of a digital conference event called SLP Live. Listening to this episode does not automatically guarantee ASHA CEUs. If you want to earn .1 ASHA CEUs, download the playbook, join the Facebook community, and grab the other courses materials for this episode, please register for the conference, SLP Live, using this link: Tasseltogether.com/courses/slp-live-2022


  1. What is gestalt language processing?

  2. When do you start to see echolalia?

  3. How do you know if a child is a gestalt language processor?

  4. Why should SLPs know about gestalt language processing?

    > How parents perceive gestalt language therapy.

    > Relationship between auditory processing disorder and gestalt language processing.

  5. What treatment strategies are recommended for gestalt language processors?

    > Sentence scripts versus functional scripts.

    > Verbal behavior versus modeling.

  6. How do you write goals for this population?


143: Get Set: How To Conduct Dynamic AAC Assessments


141: SLP Live: Reframing Behavior Management into Self-Regulation Teaching