125: The One About Running a SLP Side Hustle

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On this episode I am joined by my friend, Nicole Umana, who also happens to be the ASHA continuing education administrator for Tassel. Tassel is the organization that provides ASHA CEUs for some of the episodes on this podcast. Nicole is an SLP-A with a thriving side business called Creative Collaborations. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Nicole for over a year now and I asked her to come on to share how she balances therapy with her creative outlets. She is a graphic designer, social media manager, and marketing strategist for small business owners and entrepreneurs and she is here to share her tips for running a side hustle.


  1. What is it like being an SLP-A and how does it help your side hustle?

  2. What resources have you found to be most helpful in starting your business?

  3. How do you find new clients and scale your business?

  4. What advice you would give to other SLP-As or SLPs who are looking for a creative outlet?



126: The One About Maximizing Your CF Experience


124: The One About Resume Trends and Interview Techniques