86: The One About Using Mini Objects in Therapy with Rachelle Paquette

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On this episode I am joined by pediatric speech-language pathologist and business owner, Rachelle Paquette. Rachelle is the SLP behind Speech Tree Co. A company that creates engaging mini object boxes for speech and language therapy.

Rachelle received her Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology from California State University Long Beach in 2017. Over the course of her career, Rachelle has worked in both the school and private practice settings with clients birth - 18 years of age. Rachelle has a passion for working with the early intervention population and is certified in the Hanen Centre’s It Takes Two To Talk. Rachelle is the founder of the business, Speech Tree Co. Speech Tree Co is a business dedicated to providing parents and SLPs with fun and engaging activities to help children develop their speech and language skills. When Rachelle is not working, she enjoys cooking, reading, and camping with her fiancé and new puppy. 


  1. What is Speech Tree Co and why did you start it?
  2. Can you talk about your Experience as a newer SLP? - learning as you go/building confidence
  3. You’re currently working in Early intervention. What are tips for working with this population?
  4. You’re passionate about Speech Sound Disorders. Why did you fall in love with this area of SLP?

Getting To Know You:

  1. Do you have any good stories or therapy fails you want to share?
  2. What are 3 things you can’t work without?
  3. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
  4. What is a piece of advice you would tell your younger self?



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87: The One About Sensory Play with Kandice Soni


85: The One About Play-Based Assessment with Anna Dee SLP