63: The One About Bilingual Myth Busters & Best Practices for Bilingual Speech/Language Assessment With Liliana Diaz-Vazquez
Inthis episode, you get to hear from the official bilingual speechie, LilianaDiaz-Vazquez! Liliana is a Chicago-based SLP with a passion for creatingbilingual resources.
You will get to learn about the common myths associated withbilingual language development, and how to integrate the curriculum intobilingual language therapy. You will also learn about the best practices whenproviding bilingual speech therapy and during a bilingual speech and language evaluation.
- Why did you start your TPT store?
- What does ASHA recommend SLPs should do during an evaluation if they don’t speak the student’s language?
- at are some common myths associated with bilingual language development?
- What are your tips for integrating the curriculum into therapy and running whole group therapy sessions?
Finally, we wrapped up with a “Would You Rather?” game.
You’ll have to tune in to hear her answers!
Connect with Liliana on Instagram
Check out her other links here