Better Hearing & Speech Month Awards 2019


Your votes are in!

You nominated, voted, and the results are in! Earlier this month, I reached out to you on Instagram to see if we should do an awards ceremony for Better Hearing and Speech Month. Almost all of you said yes, because you want to know what resources are worth the investment.

You are constantly being bombarded on social media and in your inbox with information about new SLP products and resources. Some of the resources are reviewed, but many others are not. So how do you know if it will work for you and your students?

You could ask someone who tried it. Some companies even offer a trial or product guarantee. And other companies do a demo. But wouldn't it be nice to know what the majority of SLPs are using? Well gf, that's where the first annual BHSM awards come in!

I know you pay for most, if not all, of your own resources. In my first year of working as an SLP, I spent hundreds of dollars on resources! Thankfully, I've learned to invest in evergreen products and have built up my SLP toolbox over the years. But it would have been so nice to know what works for other SLPs right from the start.

Whether you are an experienced SLP, SLP to be, or clinical fellow, you can see what other SLPs are using the most in this blog post. Here are the categories that are covered: Most Valuable Paid Resource, Most Valuable Free Resource, Therapy App of The Year, SLP Conference of The Year, Most Valuable SLP Website/Software Program, Therapy Toy of The Year, Most Valuable Therapy Videos, and Most Random Material.

Before we dive in though, I want to share that these nominations were solely provided by my current Instagram community. If you think there is an awesome resource missing from this list, then put it in the comments! The more we share, the better SLPs we can be!

So without further adieu...let's find out the winners!

Therapy App of The Year


Top 3 Choices

  1. Speech Retreat

  2. PECs

  3. ASHA Convention

Notable Mentions

Most Valuable SLP Website/Software Program

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Other Sites

Most Valuable Therapy Toys


Most Valuable Therapy Videos

Most Random Materials

For those days you forget your therapy bag or want to liven up your social group discussions!

Fly swatter









Well, there you have it! The top BHSM resources for 2019! Did you miss the chance to vote? No worries. Just leave your vote in the comments below and let us know if we missed any great resources.

I'd like to thank the speech academy for all the great nominations this year!


Better Hearing & Speech Month Awards 2020


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