Speech-Language Pathologist Serving South Florida
Do you know someone with speech and language difficulties?
Let me help!
My name is Venita (you can call me V) and I’m a certified speech-language pathologist, consultant, and technology specialist. I’m passionate about supporting educators and families to become confident communication partners who help to reduce frustration and bring joy to everyday interactions.

Do you need personalized help?
You can find tons of valuable information on the internet, but sometimes that’s not enough. Select the option below that best fits your needs.

Hi, I’m Venita!
I’m a certified speech-language pathologist, author, presenter, and host of one of the top SLP podcasts. So if you feel….
Isolated and need more help
Overwhelmed and don’t know where to start
Frustrated by the communication breakdowns
…then you’re right where you need to be to learn how to become a confident communication partner. I’ve created a podcast and numerous resources to help you do just that!

Get this free AAC in the home resource!
Do you need AAC resources to promote AAC carryover at home?
This resource includes a one-page AAC & Daily Routines handout, home modeling reminders with symbols for LAMP WFL, TouchChat with WordPower, and Proloquo2Go. There is even an editable page in case the family wants to use real pictures or different symbols!